Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Last 5 Weeks...a almost post-build season summary

So after a short five weeks, everyone on The Flying Platypi is beginning to feel the pressure as the 2011 build season comes to a close. A lot has been accomplished since January eighth; we've come from very rough sketches:

to a sturdy robot with a pretty awesome arm.

And look! Our chassis can drive!

The team held brainstorming session during the first week of meetings so everyone could be involved in the robot design. It was decided that the Team would build a basic kit chassis so we could focus on build a good, sturdy arms. Many sketches were done with specific measurements, making sure that we always "measure twice and cut once". Weeks later, all team members are very pleased with the robot so far and we're really excited for our first regional.

One thing that has worked very well this year is having our different departments meet at separate locations during the week.
This allowed members to focus on their own projects and keep out of each other's way.

Meanwhile, the Awards and Marketing Departments (along with help from the rest of the team) have been working hard on finish submissions for the Chairman's and Website Awards as well as arranging fundraising and networking activities.
We're proud that both awards submissions were finished early and even went through several rounds of parental "judging". With six days left in build season, every single member of The Flying Platypi is working hard to make sure that the 2011 season is our best yet.