Monday, March 7, 2011

Preparing for Peachtree

There's only eight days until Peachtree and everyone on The Flying Platypi can feel the anticipation building. Although there's still quite a bit left to do, we're all really exited about our first regional of 2011. Both Mechanical and Electrical have been working hard to finish the minibot as well as few "extras" that will help make Peachtree the success we want it to be. A few team members have also been working hard to get last years robot, Windexter, functional for a couple demos that are coming up this week. While part of the team works on robots, the Awards and Marketing Department have been making buttons, designing the 2011 pit layout and putting the finishing touches on a business plan so everything will be ready ahead of schedule.

One exciting new addition to the team this year is our beloved mannequin, Archimedes. The marketing department has chosen him to model both our team shirt and a sponsor shirt from JCPenney. We're all surprisingly happy with Archimedes although some of us are just a little scared of him.

We plan on completely decking out Archimedes and making a place for him either in the pit or the stands. By the time Marketing is done with him, he'll have a shirt, a hat, safety glasses (of course), buttons and maybe even a wig (maybe). Clearly, we're having way to much fun with this.

By far, the people who are the most nervous for Peachtree are our drivers. We have a team full of rookie drivers this year and while they're excited about the opportunity, theres definitely some nerves too.