Sunday, September 11, 2011

Alumni Interviews: Erin

During the 2010-2011 season, the Flying Platypi had a grand total of five seniors who later graduated in the spring of 2011. Before some of them left for school, I wanted to ask them about their experience in the FIRST program as well as on The Flying Platypi.
The first interviewee is Erin, the 2010-2011 president of The Flying Platypi. Here's what she said about her FIRST experience:

Could you give me a summary of your time on The Flying Platypi?

I joined Team #2655 in 2009 after participating in FIRST LEGO League for 3 years. On The Flying Platypi, I was the main web designer and was in charge of social networking. Additionally, I participated in team leadership and was a part of the Chairman's Award presentation crew in 2009 and 2010.

What are your plans for the future?

I am currently attending the University of Cincinnati College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning (DAAP) in order to study Industrial Design.

What was your favorite memory/experience from you time on Team 2655?

I really enjoyed seeing the team come together and individual members grow throughout the years. (Winning the 2011 Website Award at the Peachtree Regional was pretty good too.)

What do you think was the hardest thing about participating in the FIRST program?

Teamwork and time management.

What was your favorite thing about FIRST?

The favorite thing about participating in FIRST was the fact that it gave me so many different opportunities. I was allowed to explore web design, learn about leadership, and go places such as the North Carolina State Legislature or behind the scenes at Analog Devices.

What will you miss about FIRST and do you plan on staying involved with the program?

I will really miss the competitions. Meeting so many different people from other teams was great! Optimistically, I would like to continue with FIRST as a volunteer or Website Award judge.

Any additional comments or something you'd like the share?
I'd like to thank all the mentors and parents that selflessly dedicate their time to The Flying Platypi. They're help and support really does make a difference to everyone on the team.