Saturday, June 16, 2012

How FIRST has impacted my life!

The first time I went to a Flying Platypi FRC meeting, I thought FRC was only about building robots and competing. The next year when I actually joined the team I found out that it’s about more than just a robot. 

The first week of build season started, and there were ideas coming from every part of the room. We met every day for the next few weeks to work on designing the robot and finally we were able to start building.  After spending so much time designing we only left ourselves a few weeks to actually build. I quickly learned the importance of time management and teamwork. 

Finally, it was time to go to my first regional event. There were lots of people working in the pit area getting their robots ready for competition. We needed help that other teams could provide and I saw lots of teams that needed help that our team could provide. At that regional I realized how important it is to help other teams and show gracious professionalism.

FIRST impacted my life by helping me understand what it is that I want to do. Before I joined the Flying Platypi I wanted to major in forestry, but now I really want to be an engineer. FIRST has opened my mind to more options then I had before. FIRST has helped me learn about science and technology, and FIRST continues to help by giving me opportunities to receive scholarships.

- David