Monday, October 22, 2012

How FIRST has impacted my life!

When I was a boy, my father tried to trade me for a cup. However, the salesman rejected the deal and my dad was devastated. He never forgave me for being rejected. When I was 2 years old, my dad tried to drown me in a golf cart after his devastation and anger for my failure in getting him the cup. This incident traumatized and led to my obsession with blue whales.  The whales became my friends from that incident onward.  Since then, the whales started whispering to me about the dark days to come. It was about the day when the great panda would rise up from Shanghai and throw down all of earth’s protectors.  I tried to warn other people of the impending doom but my words were ignored, after all they thought I was just some crazy kid.  In 2896 CG, the great panda rose up and brought great fire and fluffiness to the world. As the panda emerged from the streets of Shanghai, a portal to another dimension brought me to High Point. There, I found a replacement family and continued to warn the people about the possibility of the great panda arriving. This personal quest led to my joining of Team 2655 to better spread the word about the great panda!  While on the team, I succeeded in rising to the position of supreme overlord male (VP) this opportunity led me to a better understanding of the political systems of the people in this dimension.

- Nick H.