Sunday, February 3, 2013

Build Season - Week 4

It is the end of week four and the robot has taken shape. The main frame and components
have been assembled and all parts have been machined. There are still some final parts to be put on
the robot, but they won’t take long. Electrical is in full steam, trying to get the whole robot wired and
ready. Programing is perfecting there code and waiting for mechanical and electrical to finish. We are
expecting the robot to be fully running by Tuesday.

The marketing department has worked on getting this year’s game button finalized; we still
have a few adjustments to make to it before it is complete, but it is almost ready. We have also worked
on getting the Outreach notebooks completed. We have been in contact with a local Chick-Fil-A to
figure out how to have a fundraiser night there.

An important thing that happened in the marketing department was the advancement of the plans to redo the Platypi costume. We are redoing it to make it more user friendly for the person inside. The marketing department has also been working very closely with the Imagery and Spirit award groups to coordinate our image for this year and add some new things to make us stand out.

The award groups have been hard at work as well. The Chairman’s award group is working on
the essay and has divided it up between two underclassmen who are working together with a senior to
complete the essay, hopefully by the end of this coming week. The Engineering Inspiration award group is currently asking students to write information for individual sections in the booklet we will create that shares our mission, the team, and all that we have done and will do in the community. The Woodie Flowers award essay has been written and other adults and students can edit it. The Business Plan is still in the works but is progressing well.

A mentor helping a student with machinery