Saturday, January 22, 2011

Two weeks into Build what?

Wow the first two weeks have gone by so fast!
On January 8th (kick-off!!) most of the team met at an office of one of the team parents to watch the live broadcast of 2011 kick-off in New Hampshire. Meanwhile, a handful of other members drove down to the Kick-Off event in Dorton Arena and then pick up the kit of parts afterwards. As it got closer to the game announcement, excitement built no only at Dorton but also back at the office. And then Logomotion was introduced and the build season began! The rest of the day was spent drawing rough designs, defining the goal of the game and laying out six-week goals for each department.

After several days of unfortunate snow delays, the team became closer and closer to figuring out exactly what type of game position they wanted to play and the best way to construct the robot. Many drawings later we had a rough idea for the chassis and arm.

Week 2
The big question for week two was how did we want to construct the arm and what kind of chassis will we need to support it. After many discussions, idea submissions, drawings and brainstorming sessions the team has come to its final chassis/arm/ end effector combination. Also, the Chairman's Award department got started on the essay, executive summary and the Chairman's video. And the most exciting news for week 2? The team order 24 dozen beads to hand out at regionals (:

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