Saturday, January 30, 2010

Week Three - Cold Robots

Because I neglected to have a proper week two blog, I decided to write one for the meeting today. Except for the fact there isn't one.
Winter weather was expected for this weekend and the forecasters were right. Starting on Friday evening (our day off from FRC) and continuing through the night the skies poured down snow and sleet. When I woke up this mourning I found the message I was dreading in my inbox:
"There will be no meeting today (Jan 30, 2010) at BRT.

If Monday's meeting will need to be canceled the announcement will be
sent via email by 1:00 PM on Monday. Please check your email before you
come to BRT."

Although I can still work on the website from the warmth of my house, mechanical is not so lucky.
While I watch the white stuff outside, here are some more pictures I took during the week:

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