Sunday, February 7, 2010

Week Four - Slowly Closing In

As the leftover snow slowly melted away, our team began the charge into the last three weeks of the build. At this point I can make out the finished product of members efforts. The robot is starting to sprout wheels in a number of which an octopus would be proud. (Come to think of it our robot shares some similarities with an octopus. A Space Octopus. hmm...) Gears are being aligned, spacers manufactured, and metal being sanded. The robot is coming alive. I can't wait to see it drive.
At this point in the year all the robot-centric departments are having to step up communication between each other. Electrical needs to know from mechanical how much space it has for the electrical board, mechanical has to relay design aspects to programming so they'd know what features to add, and programming tells electrical what parts they need wired in order to check how their programs function. It goes on in this circle and will begin to pick up more speed as the days that remain, dwindle.

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