Saturday, February 11, 2012

Build Season: Week 5

Well, it's week five of the 2012 FRC Build Season. We only have ONE week left!

The robot is coming together and looking good. The mechanical department has been busy, finishing the robot's main structure, installing motors, and beginning work on the turret. This week we are hoping to completely finish the entire robot and are focusing in on the turret system. Mechanical is hoping to have the robot finished soon so that the programming department can test their code.

The Programming department is currently building the software for the Kinect Xbox 360 given to us from Microsoft and is finishing up constructing the smaller components of code. The system collecting and feeding the balls gave us some trouble but we've figured out a system for it. This next week we hope to finish building the code for autonomous mode.

The Marketing Department is currently working on the Chairman's Award submission and the Woodie Flowers Award, which will be submitted this Wednesday. Marketing is also working on setting up a few demonstrations for the upcoming weeks.
The Electrical Department is in the process of building and finishing the electrical board and mounting it on the robot. This week they will be working with Mechanical to get the robot test-ready.

The website currently under construction and will be up shortly!

Now we have to stop chatting and get back to work!

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