Friday, February 24, 2012

How FIRST has impacted my life!

I'd like to start my introducing myself; my name is Annalise, I'm a two year member of The Flying Platypi and a 7 year FIRST student. I'm currently the Vice President of Team 2655 and also a member of this year's Chairman's presentation team.

I was introduced to FIRST just after I turned 10. My older sister wanted to attend a FIRST Lego League summer camp and at the time, where she went, I followed. I was really not excited about the camp, I didn't know anything about robotics, programming or building and I was especially nervous to be in a camp where my sister was the only other girl. Little did I know that this first taste of robotics would get me hooked on the FIRST program.

After that summer camp I joined a FLL team in the fall. I stayed in the FLL program for five years, and I loved every second of it. Because of FLL I got to experience things I could have never imagined, including attending the 2007 World Festival Event where my team was recognized internationally for our teamwork. Going to World Festival really lit a fire in me; seeing so many kids from all around the world who were interested in and excited about the things I loved made me realize how incredible FIRST is and how many lives it has touched. The program's ability to touch so many different people's lives never ceases to amaze me.

In my last few years in FLL I stepped into leadership roles on my team, organizing parts of the team and showing new members the ropes. While I was still in FLL, my older sister had graduated out of the program and moved onto join and FRC team, The Flying Platypi. Because my entire family went to FRC tournaments, I saw first hand how awesome and high energy tournaments can be and once again, I was hooked.

I joined the Flying Platypi in my sophomore year of high school and immediately jumped into helping with the Team's outreach. I quickly learned how to talk to people, whether it was individuals or large groups, about the FIRST program, how it works and what it means to me. I've also worked with the team's marketing, website and awards department as well as being involved in team leadership. I've helped code the team's website, write multiple award essays and organize outreach events.

Before FIRST, I was very shy and often afraid to share my personal opinions. Since being involved with the program, I've spoken to groups of over 100 people about the program how important is to me. FIRST has given me the opportunity to realize my talents and put them to good use. It's given me the confidence to step outside of myself and I've become more comfortable working with other people. And, speaking as a girl in the program, it's helped my learn to hold my own and not be afraid to speak my mind. In short, I love FIRST and I love the opportunities it has given me. I honestly can't imagine what my life would be like without FIRST.


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