Saturday, February 18, 2012

Build Season: Week 6

It's the beginning of the sixth week in build season now, and we are getting close to the end date!

This week has been very hectic! We have all been working so hard to make sure that everything gets finished before we have to "bag and tag" the robot on the last day of build season. "Bag and Tag" is when we have to put the entire robot into a big plastic bag, put a tag on it that has our team information on it, and then take a picture of it with a clock to show that we stopped working on it on our final day of build season.

Every group has been working diligently this week! Some nights we have been here working until close to 11:00 at night!

The mechanical department has been rushing to get the robot finished, so that they could let the programming department have the robot to work out any problems they may have. They have finalized the chassis, worked out the shooting mechanism, put on anything else that is required for this year's game, and have made it so that the programmers have a robot they can move.

The programmers have been working just as hard to make sure that their programming code will work. In the middle of the week we tried to get the robot so that we could move it, but there was some problems between the communications. They had to figure out the problem, so that we could get it to move. We were all very happy to have a robot that we could move and that was basically done.

The electrical department has had to work over time this week to get everything wired and they had to help the programmers figure out what was wrong with the communications between the robot and the computer. We got all of that figured out by the end of the week which was very exciting.

The marketing department has been working hard this week to get everything done before it was due on Wednesday. We met everyday up until the due date to make sure that everything was read over multiple times and to make sure everything was how we wanted it. After we submitted all of the awards on Wednesday our jobs didn't stop; we continued on like normal. We have a lot more that needs to get done, but we are progressing!

We are excited that all of the hours and work we have put into getting the robot finished and awards submitted has paid off significantly. We still have a ways to go, but we are progressing steadily.

Here we come end date!

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