Saturday, March 10, 2012

How FIRST has impacted my life!

I heard about The Flying Platypi through a bunch of friends, who always seemed to be having a blast. I joined because I knew I had an interest in stuff like this, but I wasn't sure what I wanted to do. Shortly after I started I realized programming was fun and thankfully there are a load of mentors ready to help guide us. While I've been here, I've not only started learning how to write code, but also problem solving and how to organize it. However, one thing that really surprised me was the whole marketing aspect of the team. I've learned all about business plans and have had the pleasure of looking at crazy clothes to help market our team. On top of all this the community is great and I always feel welcome here. Overall I can't wait for my first competition and staying with the Platypi until I graduate.


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