Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Preparing for the North Carolina Regional

This week, the week after we returned from the Peachtree regional in Georgia, the team has been preparing for our next regional, the North Carolina regional. We only had certain things that needed to be worked on and could be done without the actual robot (which was bag and tagged again at the end of the Peachtree regional).

Mechanical worked on a new design for the arm that would be able to lower the bridge, so that we could not only get balls that are on the bridge at the beginning of the match onto our side of the field but also so we can balance on the bridge in the last 30 seconds of each match.

Programming worked on working out kinks in the programming code which were inhibiting the robots ability to function at the highest of its ability. They have been working out problems with the code since we returned from Georgia.

Marketing has been working since the minute we returned; picking up with all the stuff that needed to be done between the two regionals. Marketing has been working on a different way to scout at the North Carolina regional. They also have been working on various other things that continue all year round whether it is during build season or not, like robot demonstrations.

There were some problems that became apparent at our first regional which we have spent this week and will be spending a few days next week, before we go to the North Carolina regional, working on. We are also continuing our community demonstrations.

Here we come, North Carolina regional!

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