Monday, April 9, 2012

Last Day of the North Carolina regional!

Wow! It has been a long, exciting day! Overall the Flying Platypi is proud of all the work that each and everyone one of our students has done this year.

The second and final day of the NC regional was just as hectic and fun as the first. Everyone woke up in the morning ready to start the day. The drive team and robot did very well in every match we were in and became better as the matches, on both days of the regional, progressed. And even though we were not chosen to progress on into the finals; we were all very proud of the drive team, the scouts, and everyone else on the team whom came together and made it possible for us to win the Entrepreneurship award and the regional Website award.

We are very proud of Annalise Wenig for winning the regional Dean's List award. This is a huge honor for her and we are very excited to support her as her submission will go on to the National level to see if she wins there. We are all very proud of her and all that she has done for the team and FIRST.

This summer will be filled with learning, spreading FIRST and our team, and having fun as a team. We will have summer classes to prepare newcomers and current members in new areas to them. This is the perfect opportunity for students: new and old to learn something they think they have an interest in. We will be continuing our outreach program and will be trying to reach as many people as we can. The team as a whole will also be spending time together whether that is going to see a movie, having a movie night at someone's house, or having a summer get together with students, mentors, and families in a park. We may be focused on our mission but we will have fun along the way.

Even though our Build Season and Competition season is ending; we are still going to be active. This is a year round team and our mission for the summer is to do more, go more places, and let everyone who will listen know about what we do and the impact it has on our lives.

Summer and Off-season here we come!

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