Friday, April 6, 2012

First Day of the North Carolina regional!!!

Everyone is having so much fun at the regional. We have so many students, mentors, parents, siblings, and sponsors here supporting us. The Flying Platypi would like to thank everyone who has helped us get this far including our wonderful mentors, sponsors, and parents. You help us all do what we are so passionate about.

Well today was the first day of the North Carolina regional in Raleigh, North Carolina and we all had a ton of fun but are thoroughly exhausted. We were really happy to have won the regional Website Award and the Entrepreneurship Award (Business Plan). It was really exciting for everyone on the team to have won these awards and again we owe it all to our sponsors, mentors, and parents whom encourage, support, and help us achieve all that we can.

Now we are all going to get some very needed rest; for tomorrow is going to be a very long, exciting day. We can't wait!

Day two here we come!

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