Friday, February 12, 2010

Week Five - Final Stretch

Right now I'm sitting in the lunch room of Blue Ridge Tool. Electrical components are scattered across the table, the mill is on full swing, and voices of mentors and team members mingle as they discuss last minute robot design, joking with each other, and handing out tasks. Programming sits next to me first overjoyed that the latest National Instruments Labview update is out and then miffed when they know they cannot test the update out since the electrical board is currently scattered in pieces everywhere. Tomorrow marks the fifth week of build and the team is working hard to ensure we will be done on the 23rd. Even though we were able to get our drive train completed earlier in the week, there was a hitch. The gears that directed the chains for the wheels scrubbed the top of our newly carpeted bump leaving oils stains and creating aggravation. Back to the mill and lathe for the quick but time eating fix. On the bright side, our robot design will work and smoothly rolls over obstacles. Right now, mechanical is split into two parts: one reconstructing the drive train and the other formulating the shooting mechanism. The drive train looks great and works! It forms and fits the ridges of the hill nicely.

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