Sunday, February 28, 2010

Week Six/Seven - Shipped Robot

Well, the build season is officially over, our robot is on its way to Duluth for Peachtree, and team members are as busy as ever. So much has to be finished before we even run the robot on the field. But before I talk about that there is the robot to discuss. After a little more than six weeks of hard work, my team can be proud in saying that we have a working robot. It drives, climbs over bumps (albeit not very gracefully), and can kick pretty well. The drive train, our gamble of the season, is a thing of beauty. It articulates well and can turn on a dime without much scrub. I was able to see it drive for the first time on the day before ship date and was very impressed.
Here's a video of a driver's test that day:

After boxing it up and shipping it, the team returned to work on Thursday working out the materials that are needed for the tournament and finishing up some fabricated parts. It's been a good build season and can't wait to see other teams at Peachtree!
(Four Days Until Peachtree! I'll see if I can blog on the road. Expect more pictures before then!)

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